The title of this book translates to 'What Comes After Love'. Originally written in korean by best-selling author Gong Jiyoung, it tells the story of Hon, a 29 year old woman unable to forget the year she spent in Japan when she was 22, or Jungo, the man she loved then. When she meets him again, it opens the gates of her memory and her heart...I loved this book. It deals with love, memory, happiness, nationality, and how we lie (or don't lie) so as not to hurt those we love. The way it was constructed was so beautiful. The backstory of Hon's relationship with Jungo is revealed slowly, in a series of reoccurring images that gradually get more detailed, as the past and the present merge in the reappearance of Jungo into Hon's life. Having lived in Japan for a year around the same age Hon did, I really identified with the way the images and people she met that year continued to haunt her. It made me glad that I only fell in love with a place, not a person though, because I can't imagine how much worse that would be. There is a companion to this novel written from Jungo's point of view, by Japanese author Hitonari Tsuji, which I'm anxious to pick up.